This calculator is for Resident individuals with employment income. Income tax relief amount is limited to 10% of aggregate income
Individual Income Tax Donation Relief Calculator
Income Tax Summary
Taxable Income Range Without: RM
Tax Payable Range Without Donation: RM
Taxable Income Range With Donation:RM
Tax Payable Range With Donation: RM
Tax Savings Range: RM
Maximum Donation Allowed: RM
Taxable Income Range With Maximum Donation: RM
Tax Payable Range With Maximum Donation: RM
Additional Donation Needed: RM
Tax Savings with Maximum Donation: RM
This calculator is provided for informational and reference purposes only, designed to help estimate potential tax relief from donations. The calculations are not a substitute for professional guidance or official figures from the Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (LHDN). Taxpayers are reminded to submit their income tax returns to LHDN within the prescribed timeframe. For specific tax advice, please consult a qualified tax professional or financial advisor.
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